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Engineering Publications

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Hydraulic roughness and sediment yield in wheel ruts on forest roads

Foltz, R.B.; Rauch, K.S.; Burroughs, E.R., Jr. 1991. Hydraulic roughness and sediment yield in wheel ruts on forest roads. In: Proceedings of Hydraulic Engineering 1991 EE, IR, WW Div./ASCE national conference on hydraulic engineering; 1991 July 29-August 2; Nashville, TN. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers: 1108-1113.

Keywords: sedimentation; wheel ruts; forest roads; erosion processes; hydraulics; hydraulic roughness; road


Abstract: Clear water flow and sediment yield from simulated wheel ruts in a forest road were measured at five different sites in the Northern Rocky Mountains. These measurements provided information on the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor and Reynolds number relationship. The rill erodibility and critical shear were also determined.

Moscow FSL publication no. 1991b