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Soil & Water
Engineering Publications

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William J. Elliot
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Assessing impacts of cover and other factors on the erosion risk in forests

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R. 1997. Assessing Impacts of Cover and other Factors on the Erosion Risk in Forests. Presented at the Conference on Soils and Forest Productivity, Oct. 21-22, Beaverton, OR.

Keywords: cover, erosion risk


Abstract: In a forest environment, soil erosion can lead to sedimentation which can adversely affect the health of stream channels and reservoirs. It has been estimated that in forests between 30 and 100% of the sediment budget comes from surface erosion. Less than 10% of the surface erosion is from interrill or raindrop impacts, whereas over 90% of the erosion is from rills and gullies.

Moscow FSL publication no. 1997a