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Engineering Publications

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Spatially-varied erosion modeling using WEPP for timber harvested and burned hillslopes

Robichaud, P.R.; Monroe, T.M. 1997. Spatially-varied erosion modeling using WEPP for timber harvested and burned hillslopes. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Paper No. 97-5015. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

Keywords: erodibility, prescribed fire, spatial variability, WEPP

Links: pdf PDF [1.2 MB]

Abstract: Spatially-varied hydrologic surface conditions exist on steep hillslopes after timber harvest operation and site preparation burning treatments. Site preparation burning creates low- and high-severity burn surface conditions or disturbances. In this study, a hillslope was divided into multiple combinations of surface conditions to determine how their spatial arrangement would affect erosion. More erosion occurred when high-severity burn conditions occurred above low severity burn conditions. The spatial distribution of fire severity conditions on a hillslope affects predicted soil erosion rates.

Moscow FSL publication no. 1997h