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Forest erosion probability analysis with the WEPP model

Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 1999. Forest erosion probability analysis with the WEPP model. ASAE Paper No. 99-5047. Presented at the 1999 ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting, July 18-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 10 p.

Keywords: Forest hydrology, Erosion models, Climate, probabilistic, WEPP


Abstract: This paper presents an analytical tool to evaluate the probability that a given annual erosion rate occurs during the short period of forest disturbance from fire or harvesting, as common in forest ecosystems. The paper provides an overview of the WEPP model and how it is applied to complex forest conditions. It then gives a review of hydrologic probability analysis methods and builds the case to support a non-parametric method. It describes a new WEPP interface which allows users to easily combine the erosion prediction strength of the WEPP model, the database of forest erodibility properties developed by our research unit, the stochastic features of the CLIGEN climate generator, and a non-parametric probability analysis of the results.

Moscow FSL publication no. 1999a