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Soil & Water
Engineering Publications

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William J. Elliot
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942 days ago

Predicting sediment TMDLs for forest conditions with the WEPP model

Elliot, W.J. 2002. Predicting sediment TMDLs for forest conditions with the WEPP model. In: Saleh, A., ed., Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations: Proceedings of the March 11-13 ASAE Conference, Fort Worth, TX. ASAE Publication Number 701P0102. p. 554-559.

Links: pdf PDF

Abstract: Water quality laws require regulatory agencies to identify the beneficial uses of streams and rivers, and to determine the pollutants that may impair those uses. The amount of pollutant that can be tolerated for a given beneficial use is the total maximum daily load (TMDL). In forest watersheds, sediment is generally the greatest pollutant. Sediment sources include surface erosion from forested hillslopes and roads, mass failure, and channel erosion.

One of the questions managers are seeking to answer is how to relate forest practices to sediment loads. The purpose of this paper is to present a tool that can predict daily sediment delivery to forest streams, and to discuss the implications of its application.

Moscow FSL publication no. 2002f