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Wood strands as an alternative to agricultural straw for erosion control

Foltz, R.B.; Dooley, J.H. 2004. Wood strands as an alternative to agricultural straw for erosion control. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, San Dimas Technology and Development Program, 2300. Recreation Management Tech Tips. 0423 131302--SDTDC. July 2004. 2 p.

Keywords: wood straw, wood strand

Links: pdf SDTDC Library card | PDF [72 dpi 131 KB] | PDF [Hi-res PDF]

Abstract: Agricultural straw is used in forested areas of the United States for erosion control on burned areas, harvest landings, decommissioned road prisms, road cuts and fills, and other areas of disturbed soil. Two blends of wood strands were statistically equal to straw in reducing both runoff and sediment production. Both the straw and each of the wood fiber mixes reduced erosion by 98 percent as compared to the bare soil. This result implies that wood fibers are an acceptable alternative to agricultural straw in erosion control applications. Further work is underway to determine optimum width and length mixes, application rates, and decomposition rates for the wood fibers.

Moscow FSL publication no. 2004r