Post-Fire Field Guide: Create and Use Post-Fire Soil Burn Severity Maps.
Robichaud P.R. 2023.
Post-Fire Field Guide: Create and Use Post-Fire Soil Burn Severity Maps.
Rocky Mountain Research Station Science You Can Use (2023). October 2023.
Keywords: BAER, Burn severity, Soil erosion, Postfire assessment, Water quality
PDF [3,003 KB]
In the weeks following the 2022 Cedar Creek Fire, an Interagency Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team was mobilized to identify and mitigate risks to human life and safety and critical water resources in the surrounding communities, including Oakridge, Oregon. During their assessment, the BAER team used a field guide developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station to create a soil burn severity map and identify areas prone to elevated erosion. Their field work led to quick assessment of potential harm to water quality in Waldo Lake.
Moscow FSL publication no. 2023i