Corrigendum To “Estimating Wepp Cropland Erodibility Values From Soil Properties”.
Elliot W.J., Flanagan D.C. 2024.
Corrigendum To “Estimating Wepp Cropland Erodibility Values From Soil Properties”.
ASABE (2024). 67(5), 1241-1244 DOI: 10.13031/ja.16069.
Keywords: Cropland Soils, Interrill Erodibility, Water Erosion Prediction Project.
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In Elliot and Flanagan (2023), the interrill and rill soil erodibility of 36 cropland soils was reported, along with correlations among soil erodibility and other soil properties, and equations to estimate erodibility from readily measured soil properties. Early versions of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model had linked interrill detachment rate to the square of the rainfall intensity and an interrill soil erodibility constant Ki1. By the time the WEPP model was released for general use in 1995, the developers had changed the interrill detachment rate to be a function of the product of rainfall intensity and runoff and a different interrill erodibility constant, Ki2. The interrill erodibilities (Ki2) with this altered relationship were not the same as Ki1 values developed to support earlier releases of the WEPP model. The authors, when reviewing some of the past literature supporting Elliot and Flanagan (2023), had mistakenly reported Ki2 values when the numbers reported were in fact Ki1 values. A closer examination of the entire data set and the identification of a published source for the correct Ki2 values confirmed this mistake. This corrigendum reports the corrected Ki2 values, the correlation of those revised values with other soil properties, and confirmation of a 1995 regression equation relating Ki2 to three readily measured soil properties: sand content, very fine sand content, and clay content. The coefficient of determination for the 1995 regression equation was 0.80. We recommend that all references to Ki2 in Elliot and Flanagan (2023) be changed to Ki1 except the discussion about the findings of Mirzaee and Ghorbani-Dashtaki (2021), discussion about Ki2 in Alberts et al. (1995), and equations 2 and A16. A marked up copy of Elliot and Flanagan (2023) showing these changes can be downloaded from https://www.fs.usda.gov/rm/pubs_journals/2023/rmrs_2023_elliot_w001_corr.pdf.
Moscow FSL publication no. 2024a