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Long Description of Figure 6:
A large, complex flow chart displays the following: Fuel is ignited in the presence of air; combustion happens producing fire and heat; radiation, convection and conduction transfer heat to the air and duff layer, if one is present; if duff layer is not present, heat is transferred directly to soil layer 1 (factors of soil layer 1 will influence the processes and rates of heat transfer); if duff layer is present, it either burns and produces fire/heat which is then transferred to the air and to soil layer 1 through radiation, convection and conduction, or if it doesn't burn, heat is transferred to soil layer 1 through radiation, convection and conduction (factors of soil layer 1 will influence the processes and rates of heat transfer); from soil layer 1, conduction/vapor movement/liquid movement affects the transfer of heat to soil layer 2; from soil layer 2 (factors of soil layer n and biota layer 2 will influence those processes and rates of heat transfer), conduction/vapor movement/liquid movement affects the transfer of heat to soil layer n and biota layer 2; the effects of soil layer n are organic matter, nutrients and structure; from soil layer n (factors of soil layer n will influence those processes and rates of heat transfer), conduction/vapor movement/liquid movement affects the transfer of heat to biota layer n; the effects of biota layer 2 and biota layer n are mortality, growth and regeneration.