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Engineering Publications

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William J. Elliot
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Selected Moscow FSL Engineering publications by Bill Elliot

Neris J, Santin C, Lew R, Robichaud PR, Elliot WJ, Lewis S, Sheridan G, Rohlfs AM, Ollivier Q, Oliveira L, and Doerr SH. 2021. Designing tools to predict and mitigate impacts on water quality following the Australian 2019/2020 wildfires: Insights from Sydney's largest water supply catchment. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2021:1-11, DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4406. [Full text available]
Keywords: Bushfire, Drinking water, Modeling, Water contamination risk, Wildfire ash

Gustine, R.N., Hanan, E.J., Robichaud, P.R. et al. 2021. From burned slopes to streams: how wildfire affects nitrogen cycling and retention in forests and fire-prone watersheds. Biogeochemistry 157, 51–68, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-021-00861-0. [Full text available]
Keywords: Wildfire, Nitrogen cycling, Nitrogen retention, Water quality, Drinking water

Longxi Cao, Elliot W, Long J, 2020. Spatial simulation of forest road effects on soil erosion after fire. Authorea. DOI: 10.22541/au.159285515.51836039. [Full text available]
Keywords: Soil Erosion, Watershed, Wildfire, Forest Roads, WEPP Modeling

Nunes JP, Doerr SH, Sheridan G, Santin C, Emleko MB, Silins U, Robichaud PR, Elliot WJ. 2018. Assessing water contamination risk from vegetation fires: Challenges, opportunities and a framework for progress.. Hydrological Processes 2018;687-694. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11434. [Full text available]
Keywords: erosion, sediment transport, water supplies, modeling

Robichaud P.R., Elliot W.J., Lewis S.A., Miller M.E. 2016. Validation of a probabilistic post-fire erosion model. International Journal of Wildland Fire 25(3), 337–350. [Full text available]
Keywords: erosion prediction, FS WEPP, post-fire assessment, probabilistic model

Wang, Li; Wu, Joan Q.; Elliot, William J.; Feidler, Fritz R.; Lapin, Sergey. 2014. Linear diffusion-wave channel routing using a discrete Hayami convolution method. Journal of Hydrology 509:282-294. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: linear diffusion-wave channel routing, discrete Hayami convolution, kernel function values, mass-balance error, temporal resolution, lateral inflow

McCool, D. K.; Dun, S.; Wu, J. Q.; Elliot, W. J.; Brooks, E. S. 2013. Seasonal change of WEPP erodibility parameters for two fallow plots on a Palouse silt loam. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(2):711-718. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: critical shear, frozen soil, rill erodibility, soil erosion, thawing soil, WEPP

Srivastava, A.; Dobre, M.; Wu, J. Q.; Elliot, W. J.; Bruner, E. A.; Dun, S.; Brooks, E. S.; Miller, I. S. 2013. Modifying WEPP to improve streamflow simulation in a Pacific Northwest watershed. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(2):603-611. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: baseflow, deep seepage, forest watershed, hydrologic modeling, subsurface lateral flow, surface runoff, WEPP

Flanagan, D. C.; Frankenberger, J. R.; Cochrane, T. A.; Renschler, C. S.; Elliot, W. J. 2013. Geospatial application of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(2):591-601. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: geographic information systems, prediction, soil erosion, WEPP

Elliot, W. J. 2013. Erosion processes and prediction with WEPP technology in forests in the Northwestern U.S. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(2):563-579. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: ATV impacts, channel erosion, forest roads, logging, mass wasting, wildfire

Dun, S.; Wu, J. Q.; Elliot, W. J.; Frankenberger, J. R.; Flanagan, D. C.; McCool, D. K. 2013. Applying online WEPP to assess forest watershed hydrology. Transactions of the ASABE. 56(2):581-590. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: forest watershed, GIS interface, hydrologic modeling, online WEPP, water erosion

Miller, M.E.; MacDonald, L.H.; Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J. 2011. Predicting post-fire hillslope erosion in forest lands of the western United States. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20:982-999.
Keywords: ground cover, modelling, sensitivity analysis, WEPP

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Wagenbrenner, J.W. 2011. Probabilistic soil erosion modeling using the Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) after wildfires. ISELE Paper Number 11039. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution. 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska. ASABE Publication Number 711P0311cd. 9 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: ERMiT, Wildfire, Erosion, WEPP, Postfire, Validation

Elliot, W.J.;Robichaud, P.R.; Foltz, R.B. 2011. Erosion processes and prediction in NW U.S. forests. ISELE Paper Number 11002. International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution. 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska. ASABE Publication Number 711P0311cd. 8 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Forest fire, Forest roads, Slope stability, WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R. 2011 Risk-based erosion assessment: application to forest watershed management and planning. Chapter 16 in: Morgan, R.P.C.; Nearing, M.A., eds. 2011. Handbook of Erosion Modelling. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 313-323. [Full text available]
Keywords: erosion assessment, risk, Disturbed WEPP, WEPP, FS WEPP, ERMiT, GeoWEPP, forest watershed

Bayley, T.; Elliot, W.; Nearing, M.A.; Guertin, D.P.; Johnson, T.; Goodrich, D.; Flanagan, D. 2010. Modeling erosion under future climates with the WEPP model. 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010

Elliot, William; Brooks, Erin; Link, Tim; Miller, Sue 2010. Incorporating groundwater flow into the WEPP model. In: Hydrology and sedimentation for a changing future: Existing and emerging issues; Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference [9th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and 4th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference]; 27 June - 1 July; Las Vegas, NV. 12 p. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: water erosion prediction project, WEPP, groundwater flow, watershed, Tahoe Basin, deep seepage, channel flow, base flow

Wagenbrenner, J.W.; Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J. 2010. Rill erosion in natural and disturbed forests: 2. Modeling approaches. Water Resources Research, 46, W10507, doi:10.1029/2009WR008315. 12 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: rill erosion

Elliot, W.J. 2010. Effects of forest biomass use on watershed processes in the western United States. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 25(1):12-17. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: energy, wood fuel, timber harvest, biomass, watershed

Elliot, William; Hyde, Kevin; MacDonald, Lee; McKean, James. 2010. Tools for analysis. Chapter 13 in: Elliot, W.J.; Miller, I.S.; Audin, L., eds. 2010. Cumulative watershed effects of fuel management in the western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-231. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 246-276. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: cumulative effects, watershed, wildfire, fuel management, water quality, soil erosion

Elliot, William J.; Miller, Ina Sue; Audin, Lisa., eds. 2010. Cumulative watershed effects of fuel management in the western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-231. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 299 p. [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: cumulative effects, watershed, wildfire, fuel management, water quality, soil erosion

Foltz, R.B.; Copeland, N.S.; Elliot, W.J. 2009. Reopening abandoned forest roads in northern Idaho, USA: quantification of runoff, sediment concentration, infiltration, and interrill erosion parameters. Journal of Environmental Management 90(2009):2542-2550. [Full text available]
Keywords: road, road recommissioning

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A. 2009. A probabilistic approach to modeling postfire erosion after the 2009 Australian bushfires. In Anderssen, R.S.; Braddock, R.D.; Newham, L.T.H., eds. Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia, 13-17 July 2009. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: sediment yield, wildfire, WEPP, ERMiT, Victoria Bushfires, probabilistic

Elliot, W.E.; Foltz, R.B.; Robichaud, P.R. 2009. Recent findings related to measuring and modeling forest road erosion. In Anderssen, R.S.; Braddock, R.D.; Newham, L.T.H., eds. Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia, 13-17 July 2009. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP:Road, ditch, road surface, inslope, outslope, FS WEPP, road

Dun, S.; Wu, J.Q.; Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R.; Flanagan, D.C.; Frankenberger, J.R.; Brown, R.E.; Xu, A.D. 2009. Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for forest applications. Journal of Hydrology 336(1-4):45-54. [Full text available]
Keywords: Forest watershed; Surface runoff; Subsurface lateral flow; Soil erosion; Hydrologic modeling; WEPP

Zhang, J.X.; Wu, J.Q.; Chang, K.; Elliot, W.J.; Dun, S. 2009. Effects of DEM source and resolution on WEPP hydrologic and erosion simulation: A case study of two forest watersheds in Northern Idaho. Transactions of the ASABE 52(2):447-457. [Full text available]
Keywords: DEM, Forest watershed, GIS, LiDAR, Water erosion modeling, WEPP

Pan, F.; Han, H.-S.; Johnson, L.R.; Elliot, W.J. 2008. Production and cost of harvesting, processing, and transporting small-diameter (< 5 inches) trees for energy. Forest Products Journal. 58(5):47-53. [Full text available]
Keywords: small-diameter trees, forest biomass, energy, harvest productivity, biomass

Pan, Fei; Han, Han-Sup; Johnson, Leonard R.; Elliot, William J. 2008. Net energy output from harvesting small-diameter trees using a mechanized system. Forest Products Journal. 58(1/2):25-30. [Full text available]
Keywords: energy output, forest biomass energy, harvesting, small-diameter trees, mechanized system

Yao, C.; Lei, T.; Elliot, W.J.; McCool, D.K.; Zhao, J.; Chen, S. 2008. Critical conditions for rill initiation. Transactions of the ASABE. 5(1):107-114. [Full text available]
Keywords: critical condition, critical shear, erosion, hillslope, rill initiation

Foltz, R.B.; Rhee, H.; Elliot, W.J. 2008. Modeling changes in rill erodibility and critical shear stress on native surface roads. Hydrological Processes. 22:4783-4788. [Full text available]
Keywords: soil erosion, forestry, sediment depletion, overland flow, simulation, Idaho, shear stress, road

Grace, McFero, J. III; Elliot, W.J. 2008. Determining soil erosion from roads in coastal plain of Alabama. In Proc.; Environmental Connection 08, Proceedings of Conference 39, Orlando, FL, International Erosion Control Association, Steamboat Springs, CO. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: soil erosion, modeling, forest, roads, sediment deposition, WEPP, road

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A. 2007. Predicting postfire erosion and mitigation effectiveness with a web-based probabilistic erosion model. Catena 71(2):229-241. [Full text available]
Keywords: sediment yield, wildfire, WEPP, FS WEPP, ERMiT, probabilistic

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Hall, D.E.; Moffet, C.A.; Ashmun, L.E. 2007. Erosion Risk Management Tool (ERMiT) user manual (version 2006.01.18). Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-188. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 24 p. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: erosion prediction model, FS WEPP, post-fire assessment, BAER treatments, ERMiT, erosion risk

Elliot, W.; Miller, I.S.; Hall, D. 2007. WEPP FuME analysis for a north Idaho site. Summary of poster paper. p. 205-209. In: Page-Dumroese, D.; Miller, R.; Mital, J.; McDaniel, P.; Miller, D., tech. eds. 2007. Volcanic-Ash-Derived Forest Soils of the Inland Northwest: Properties and Implications for Management and Restoration. 9-10 November 2005. Coeur d'Alene, ID. Proceedings. RMRS-P-44. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: WEPP, FS WEPP, FuME

Elliot, W.; Miller, I.S.; Glaza, B. 2007. Erosion risks in selected watersheds for the 2005 School Fire located near Pomeroy, Washington on predominately ash-cap soils. Summary of poster paper. p. 211-214. In: Page-Dumroese, D.; Miller, R.; Mital, J.; McDaniel, P.; Miller, D., tech. eds. 2007. Volcanic-Ash-Derived Forest Soils of the Inland Northwest: Properties and Implications for Management and Restoration. 9-10 November 2005. Coeur d'Alene, ID. Proceedings. RMRS-P-44. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: ash, School Fire

Gorsevski, P.V.; Gessler, P.E.; Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 2006. Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard Using Logistic Regression and ROC Analysis. Transactions in GIS 10(3):395-415.
Keywords: landslide

Conroy, W. J.; Hotchkiss, R. H.; Elliot, W. J. 2006. A coupled upland-erosion and instream hydrodynamic-sediment transport model for evaluating sediment transport in forested watersheds. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 49(6): 1-10. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: Erosion modeling, Hydrodynamic modeling, Watershed models, TMDLs, CCHE1D, WEPP, sediment transport

Elliot, W.J. 2006. The roles of natural and human disturbances in forest soil erosion. In: Owens, P.N.; Collins, A.J. (eds.). Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution in River Catchments. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International. 177-185. [Full text available]

Dun, S.; Wu, J.Q.; Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R.; Flanagan, D.C. 2006. Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model to forest conditions. Written for presentation at the 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Sponsored by ASABE, Portland Convention Center, Portland, OR. 9 - 12 July 2006. ASABE Paper No. 062150. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. [Full text available]
Keywords: forest watershed, surface runoff, subsurface lateral flow, soil erosion, hydrologic modeling, WEPP

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J. 2006. Protection from erosion following wildfire. Written for presentation at the 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Sponsored by ASABE, Portland Convention Center, Portland, OR. 9 - 12 July 2006. ASABE Paper No. 068009. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 7 p. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: erosion mitigation, sediment yield, forest fire

Elliot, W.J.; Miller, I.S.; Glaza, B.D. 2006. Using WEPP technology to predict erosion and runoff following wildfire. Written for presentation at the 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Sponsored by ASABE, Portland Convention Center, Portland, OR. 9 - 12 July 2006. ASABE Paper No. 068011. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. [Full text available]
Keywords: Wildfire, Erosion control, Flooding, Forests, Hydrologic modeling, WEPP

Brooks, E.S.; Boll, J.; Elliot, W.J.; Dechert, T. 2006. Global Positioning System/GIS-based approach for modeling erosion from large road networks. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 11(5), September/October. 418-426. [Full text available] [Available through Treesearch]
Keywords: Sediment; Runoff; Watershed management; Erosion; Roadside hazards, road

Ryan, K.; Elliot, W.J. 2005. Chapter 9: Fire effects and soil erosion models. In: Neary, D.G.; Ryan, K.C.; DeBano, L.F., eds. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soils and water. Gen Tech Rep RMRS-GTR-42-vol.4. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 171-177. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP, fire effects

Covert, S.A.; Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Link, T.E. 2005. Evaluation of runoff prediction from WEPP-based erosion models for harvested and burned forest watersheds, Transactions of the ASAE 48(3):1091-1100. [Full text available]
Keywords: GeoWEPP, Model evaluation, Prescribed fire, Runoff prediction, Timber harvest, Watershed, WEPP

Elliot, W.J., and J.Q. Wu. 2005. Predicting cumulative watershed effects of fuel management with improved WEPP technology. In Moglen, G.E., ed., Managing Watersheds for Human and Natural Impacts: Engineering, Ecological, and Economic Challenges. Proceedings of the 2005 Watershed Management Conference, July 19-22, 2005, Williamsburg, VA; Sponsored by Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 11 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Watershed management, Predictions, Fuels, Fires, Forests, cumulative effects, WEPP

Elliot, William; Robichaud, Pete. 2005. Evaluating sedimentation risks associated with fuel management. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 8. Res. Note RMRS-RN-23-08-WWW. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: sedimentation risk, fuel management

Elliot, William; Hall, David. 2005. Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Fuel Management (FuMe) tool. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; environmental consequences fact sheet 12. Res. Note RMRS-RN-23-12-WWW. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: FuME, WEPP, fuel management

Lewis, S.A.; Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Frazier, B.E.; and Wu, J.Q. 2004. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Postfire Soil Properties. In: Remote Sensing for Field Users, Proceedings of the Tenth Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 5-9, 2004. CD-ROM. 9 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: hyperspectral

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R. 2004. The effectiveness of postfire mitigation treatments. Presented at the 2004 BAER Training Workshop, April 30, 2004, Denver, CO. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID.

Elliot, W.J. April 2004. WEPP Internet interfaces for forest erosion prediction. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 40(2):299-309. Paper No. 02021. [Full text available]
Keywords: erosion; sedimentation; forest hydrology; modeling; forest roads; road; WEPP

Conroy, W.J.; Wu, J.; Elliot, W. 2003. Proposed modifications to the WEPP model to improve sediment yield predictions for TMDL scenario analyses ANOVA of instream turbidity measurements for In: ASAE annual international meeting; 2003 July 27-30; Las Vegas, NV. Paper No. 032055. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Keywords: TMDL, WEPP

Conroy, W.J.; Wu, J.; Elliot, W. 2003. Modification of the evapotranspiration routines in the WEPP model: part 1. In: ASAE annual international meeting; 2003 July 27-30; Las Vegas, NV. Paper No. 032293. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. [Full text available]
Keywords: Evapotranspiration, Penman-Monteith, WEPP, Water Erosion Prediction Project

Rummer, B.; Prestemon, J.; May, D.; Miles, P.; Vissage, J.; McRoberts, R.; Liknes, G.; Shepperd, W.D.; Ferguson, D.; Elliot, W.; Miller, S.; Reutebuch, S.; Barbour, J.; Fried, J.; Stokes, B.; Bilek, Ed.; Skog, K. 2003. A strategic assessment of forest biomass and fuel reduction treatments in Western States. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Research and Development. 21 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: assessment, biomass, fuel reduction, inventory

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B. 2003. The challenges in developing the WEPP cumulative effects model. In: Wide, M.I.; Hallberg, I., eds. Proceedings: 2nd Forest Engineering Conference. Arbetsrapport, Fran Skogforsk NR 540 Maj 2003. Posters. 55-58. Uppsala, Sweden: Skogforsk. <> Presented at the 2nd Forest Engineering Conference, 12-15 May 2003 Vaxjö, Sweden In: Wide, M.I.; Baryd, B., eds. Uppsala, Sweden: Skogforsk: 55-58. [Full text available]
Keywords: watershed analysis, soil erosion, cumulative effects, WEPP

Brooks, E.S.; Boll, J.; Elliot, W.J. 2003. GPS-assisted road surveys and GIS-based road erosion modeling using the WEPP model. Paper No. PNW-03-109. Presented at PNW ASAE and Salmon "The Fight for Survival." The 2003 Pacific Northwest Region Meeting sponsored by ASAE. Quality Inn and Suites Conference Center, Clarkston, WA. September 25-27, 2003. Paper no. PNW2003-9. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. [Full text available]
Keywords: sediment yield, runoff, low-volume roads, watershed modeling, TMDL, road

Elliot, W. J.; Ballerini, M.; Hall, D.E. 2003. Simplified methods for evaluating road prism stability. Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Science, Washington, DC. 1819(2):95-100. Paper No. LVR8-1095. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Low-volume Roads. June 22-25, 2003, Silver Legacy Hotel & Conference Center, Reno, NV. [Full text available]
Keywords: road stability

Elliot, W.J. 2003. Soil erosion in forest ecosystems and carbon dynamics. In: Kimble, J.M.; Heath, L.S.; Birdsey, R.A.; Lal, R., eds. The potential of U.S. forest soils to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press: 175-190.

Elliot, W.J. 2002. Predicting sediment TMDLs for forest conditions with the WEPP model. In: Saleh, A., ed., Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Environmental Regulations: Proceedings of the March 11-13 ASAE Conference, Fort Worth, TX. ASAE Publication Number 701P0102. p. 554-559. [Full text available]

Elliot, W.J.; Flanagan, D.; Laflen, J.M. 2002. Predicting Peak Runoff Rates from Snowmelt with the WEPP Model. 2002 ASAE annual international meeting/CIGR XVth world congress. July 28--31, 2002, Chicago, IL ASAE meeting paper no. 02-8009. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Keywords: Soil Erosion, WEPP, Runoff, Erosion, Snowmelt, Forest Fires

Elliot, W.J.; Miller, I.S. 2002. Estimating Erosion Impacts from Implementing the National Fire Plan. 2002 ASAE annual international meeting/CIGR XVth world congress. July 28-31, 2002, Chicago, IL ASAE meeting paper no. 02-5011. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Keywords: Soil Erosion, WEPP, Forest Fires, Rangelands, Fuel Management

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, M. 2001. Validation of the FS WEPP Interfaces for Forest Roads and Disturbances. ASAE paper number 01-8009, presented at the 2001 ASAE Annual International Meeting sponsored by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Sacramento Convention Center, Sacramento, California, USA, July 30--August 1, 2001. ASAE--2001: An Engineering Odyssey. Technical Session 21: Forest soil erosion and water quality. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 16 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Soil Erosion, WEPP, Forest Roads, Forest Engineering, Fires, FS WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R.; Pannkuk, C.D. 2001. A probabilistic approach to modeling erosion for spatially-varied conditions. Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, March 25 to 29, 2001, Reno, Nevada. Volume 2, Section VI, "Data Quality Assurance." p. VI-33 -- VI-40. [Full text available]
Keywords: probabilistic

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R.; Hall, D.E.; Cuhaciyan, C.O.; Pierson, F.B.; Wohlgemuth, P.M. 2001. A probabilistic approach to modeling erosion for spatially-varied conditions. ASAE paper number 01-8006, presented at the 2001 ASAE Annual International Meeting sponsored by American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Sacramento Convention Center, Sacramento, California, USA, July 30--August 1, 2001. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 16 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Modeling, WEPP, Forest Fire, Erosion, Variability, probabilistic

Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 2001. Infiltration characteristics of forest road filter windrows Presented January 3-5, 2000, Honolulu, HI. In: Ascough II, J.C.; Flanagan, D.C., eds. Soil erosion for the 21st century: proceedings of the international symposium. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. ASAE Pub. No. 701P0007. [Full text available]
Keywords: Filter windrows, Hydrophobic conditions, Hydraulic conductivity, WEPP, infiltration, road

Elliot, W.J. 2001. Comparing RUSLE to WEPP Cropland and Rangeland Formats. Presented January 3-5, 2000, Honolulu, HI. In: Ascough II, J.C.; Flanagan, D.C., eds. Soil erosion for the 21st century: proceedings of the international symposium. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 388-391. ASAE Pub. No. 701P0007. [Full text available]
Keywords: Erosion models, Modeling, Rangeland, RUSLE, WEPP

Scheele, D.L.; Elliot, W.J.; Hall, D.E. 2001. Enhancements to the CLIGEN weather generator for mountainous or custom applications. Presented January 3-5, 2000, Honolulu, HI. In: Ascough II, J.C.; Flanagan, D.C., eds. Soil erosion for the 21st century: proceedings of the international symposium. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 392-395. ASAE Pub. No. 701P0007. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP, CLIGEN, Climate generation, PRISM, Stochastic weather generator.

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R. 2001. Comparing Erosion Risks from Forest Operations to Wildfire. In: Peter Schiess and Finn Krogstad, editors, Proceedings of The International Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium: 2001 - A Forest Engineering Odyssey. Seattle, WA: College of Forest Resources, University of Washington and International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. 78-89. Presented at The International Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium 2001, December 10--12, 2001, Seattle, WA. [Full text available]
Keywords: Soil Erosion, Forest operations, Forest fires, WEPP

Hall, D.E.; Elliot, W.J. 2001. Interfacing soil erosion models for the World Wide Web. In: Ghassemi, F.; Post, D.; Sivapalan, M.; Vertessy, R. (eds.). Proceedings Volume 1: Natural Systems (Part One) of MODSIM 2001 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 10-13 December 2001. The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. p. 179-184. [Full text available]
Keywords: Water Erosion Prediction Project; WEPP; CLIGEN; PRISM; FS WEPP

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Wohlgemuth, P.M. 2000. Risk assessment of fuel management practices on hillslope erosion processes. In: Neuenschwander, L.F.; Ryan, K.C., tech. eds., Proceedings from the Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop -- "Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management"; June 15-17, 1999; Boise, ID. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho; Vol. II: 58-64.
Keywords: erosion, fire severity, risk assessment, modeling, fuel management

Elliot, W.J. 2000. Impact of roads and other corridors. Chapter 9 in: G. Dissmeyer (ed.). Drinking Water from Forests and Grasslands - A Synthesis of the Scientific Literature. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station General Technical Report SRS-39: 85-100. [Full text available]
Keywords: road, drinking water

Elliot, W.J.; Lewis, S.A. 2000. Linking the WEPP Model to Stability Models. Presented at the 2000 ASAE annual international meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 9-12, 2000. Paper no. 00-2150. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 8 p.
Keywords: Forest roads, Slope stability, Forest hydrology, Erosion models, WEPP, XSTABL, Factor of safety

Elliot, W.J.; Scheele, D.L.; Hall, D.E. 2000. The Forest Service WEPP interfaces. Presented at the 2000 ASAE annual international meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 9-12, 2000. Paper No. 00-5021. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 9 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Forest roads, Forest operations, Forest hydrology, Erosion models, WEPP, FS WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Arnold, C.D. 2000. Validation of the Weather Generator CLIGEN with Precipitation Data from Uganda. Transactions of the ASAE 44(1): 53-58. [Full text available]
Keywords: Uganda, Stochastic, Climate, CLIGEN, validation

Wu, J.Q.; Xu, A.C.; Elliot, W.J. 2000. Adapting WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) for Forest Watershed Erosion Modeling. Paper No. 002069. Presented at the 2000 International ASAE Meeting, 9-12 July, Milwaukee, WI. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. 9 p.
Keywords: WEPP, watershed

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Robichaud, P.R. 2000. Measuring and modelling soil erosion processes in forests. Landwards 55(2): 8-25. Presented at the Forestry Engineering for Tomorrow Conference, 28 June 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Keywords: erosion

Elliot, W.J. 2000. Modeling rangeland watershed erosion processes. In: Flug, Marshall; Frevert, Donald; Watkins, Jr., David W., eds. Proceedings from the Conference on Watershed Management & Operations Management 2000; 2000 June 20-24; Fort Collins, CO. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers: 9 p.
Keywords: watershed

Wu, J.Q.; Place, M.K.; Elliot, W.J. 2000. Modeling soil erosion from insloping forest roads with impoundment or surface cross drain structures. In: Flug, M.; Frevert, D.; Watkins, Jr., D.W., eds., Proceedings from the Conference on Watershed Management & Operations Management 2000; 2000 June 20-24; Fort Collins, CO. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers: 11 p.
Keywords: road, impoundment

Graves, S.R.; Elliot, W.J. 2000. Road erosion estimation equations derived using a WEPP database. In: Flug, M.; Frevert, D.; Watkins, Jr., D.W., eds., Proceedings from the Conference on Watershed Management & Operations Management 2000; 2000 June 20-24; Fort Collins, CO. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers: 10 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: road, WEPP

Rhee, H.; Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J.; Fridley, J.L.; Bolton, S.M. 1999. Level of detail necessary for predicting forest road surface erosion. Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, August 7-11, 1999, Seattle, WA. Also, Appendix C in Rhee, H.; Fridley, J.L.; Bolton, S.M. 1999. Modeled outsloped forest road surface erosion using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model. Final Report for Contract INT-95124-RJVA. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID. September 1999.
Keywords: road

Tysdal, L.M.; Elliot, W.J.; Luce, C.H.; Black, T.A. 1999. Modeling erosion from insloping forest [low-volume] roads with WEPP watershed model. Presented at the Seventh International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, May 23-26, 1999, Baton Rouge, LA. Transportation Research Record No. 1652, volume 2. 250-256.
Keywords: Erosion, WEPP, low volume road

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Luce, C.H. 1999. Modeling low-volume road erosion. Presented at the Seventh International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, May 23-26, 1999, Baton Rouge, LA. Transportation Research Record No. 1652, volume 2, 244-249.
Keywords: Road erosion, low volume road

Robichaud, P.R.; Elliot, W.J.; Pierson, F.B.; Wohlgemuth, P.M. 1999. Risk Assessment of Fuel Management Practices on Hillslope Erosion Processes. Proceedings of the Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop, Volume II. June 15-17, 1999, Boise, ID. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho, International Association of Wildland Fire. 58-64.
Keywords: erosion, fire severity, risk assessment, modeling

Elliot, W.J.; Hall, D.E.; Graves, S.R. 1999. Predicting sedimentation from forest roads. Journal of Forestry, August 1999, 97(8):23-29. [Full text available]
Keywords: sedimentation, erosion, road

Elliot, W.J.; Tysdal, L.M. 1999. Understanding and reducing erosion from insloping roads. Journal of Forestry, August 1999, 97(8):30-34. [Full text available]

Elliot, W.J; Hall, D.E.; Graves, S.R. 1999. Predicting sediment delivery from forest roads with the XDRAIN program.
Keywords: WEPP:Road, Erosion prediction, Interface, road, XDRAIN

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Robichaud, P.R. 1999. Measuring and modeling soil erosion in forests. Proceedings of Forest Engineering for Tomorrow. Forestry Engineering Technical Papers, Paper 3. Silsoe, UK: Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Forest Engineering Group.

Elliot, W.J.; Page-Dumroese, D.; Robichaud, P.R. 1999. The effects of forest management on erosion and soil productivity. Proceedings of the Symposium on Soil Quality and Erosion Interaction, Keystone, CO, July 7, 1996. Ankeney, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society. 16 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: Soil Quality, Soil Erosion Prediction, WEPP

Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 1999. Forest erosion probability analysis with the WEPP model. ASAE Paper No. 99-5047. Presented at the 1999 ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting, July 18-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 10 p.
Keywords: Forest hydrology, Erosion models, Climate, probabilistic, WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Page-Dumroese, D.; Robichaud, P.R. 1999. The effects of forest management on erosion and soil productivity. Chapter 12 in Lal, R., ed., Soil Quality and Soil Erosion. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 195-208.
Keywords: Soil Quality, Soil Erosion Prediction, WEPP

Elliot, W.J., Robichaud, P.R. 1998. Risk Analysis After Fire With WEPP. Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Course, Reno, NV. March 31, 1998. USDA Forest Service Region 5. 4 p.
Keywords: WEPP, fire, risk analysis

Elliot, W.J.; Graves, S.M.; Hall, D.E.; Moll, J.E. 1998. The X-DRAIN cross drain spacing and sediment yield model. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Technology & Development Program. 7700--Transportation System; 2500--Watershed and Air Management; June 1998; 9877 1801--SDTDC; San Dimas Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California. 30 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP, XDRAIN, sediment yield

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B; Luce, C.H. 1998. Predicting the Impacts of Forest Roads on the Environment. In: Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Harvesting and Transportation Symposium, December 8--12, 1997, Vitoria, ES, Brazil. 17 p.
Keywords: road

Elliot, W.J.; Hall, D.E.; Graves, S.R. 1998. X-DRAIN and XDS: a simplified road erosion prediction method. Presented at the 1998 ASAE annual international meeting, July 12-16, 1998, Orlando, FL. Paper No. 987024. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 15 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP, Roads, Erosion prediction, Interface, XDRAIN

Elliot, W.J. 1998. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Presented at Region 6 Geotech/Geology Workshop, Portland, OR, April 30, 1998.
Keywords: WEPP

Laflen, J.M.; Elliot, W.J.; Flanagan, D.C.; Meyer, C.R.; Nearing, M.A. 1997. WEPP: predicting water erosion using a process-based model. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, March-April 1997, 96-102.
Keywords: WEPP

Tysdal, L.; Elliot, B.; Luce, C.; Black, T. 1997. Modeling insloping road erosion processes with the WEPP watershed model. Paper 97-5014. Presented at the 1997 ASAE Annual International Meeting, August 10-14 1997, Minneapolis, MN. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 14 p.
Keywords: road, WEPP, watershed

Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 1997. The impact of lowered tire pressures on road erosion. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 76th Annual Meeting, January 12-16 1997, Washington, DC. Transportation Research Board.
Keywords: road, tire pressure

Elliot, W.J.; Hall, D.E. August 1997. Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) forest applications. General Technical Report INT-GTR-365. Moscow, ID: Intermountain Research Station. 11 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP, Hydrology, Soil Erosion, Water Quality, FS WEPP

Tysdal, L.M.; Elliot, W.J. 1997. Describing Insloping Forest Roads With WEPP.
Keywords: road, WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Laflen, J.M.; Thomas, A.W.; Kohl, K.D. 1997. Photogrammetric and Rillmeter techniques for Hydraulic Measurement in Soil Erosion Studies. ASAE Paper No. 89-2621.
Keywords: WEPP, Rainfall simulation, Rill erosion, Research methods, photogrammetry

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R. 1997. Assessing Impacts of Cover and other Factors on the Erosion Risk in Forests. Presented at the Conference on Soils and Forest Productivity, Oct. 21-22, Beaverton, OR.
Keywords: cover, erosion risk

Foltz, R.B.; Elliot, W.J. 1996. Measuring and modeling impacts of tire pressures on road erosion. Presented at the FAO Seminar on Environmentally Sound Forest Roads, June 1996, Sinaia, Romania. 14 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: road, tire pressure

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Luce, C.H.; Koler, T.E. 1996. Computer-aided risk analysis in road decommissioning. In: Proceedings of the AWRA Annual Symposium on Watershed Restoration Management. Syracuse, NY; July 1996. 341--350.
Keywords: Forest, road, closure, hydrologic modeling, surface ripping, risk analysis, road decommissioning

Morfin, S.; Elliot, B.; Foltz, R.; Miller, S. 1996. Predicting effects of climate, soil, and topography on road erosion with WEPP. Paper 96-5016. Presented at the ASAE International Winter Meeting. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p.
Keywords: dips and waterbars; erosion control; modeling; road erosion; WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Page-Dumroese, D.; Robichaud, P.R. 1996. The Effects of Forest Management on Erosion and Soil Productivity. An invited paper presented at the Symposium on Soil Quality and Erosion Interaction sponsored by The Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, July 7, 1996, Keystone, CO. 16 p.

Arnold, C.D.; Elliot, W.J. 1996. CLIGEN weather generator predictions of seasonal wet and dry spells in Uganda. Transactions of the ASAE 39(3): 969-972. American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Keywords: Climate assessment, Model validation, CLIGEN, Uganda

Elliot, W.J.; Luce, C.H.; Foltz, R.B.; Koler, T.E. 1996. Hydrologic and Sedimentation Effect of Open and Closed Roads. Natural Resource News 6 (1): 7-8. [Blue Mountains Natural Resources Institute, Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.]
Keywords: road

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Luce, C.H. 1995. Validation of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for low-volume forest roads. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Minneapolis, MN. Vol. I p. 178--186. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
Keywords: Road erosion, runoff, low volume road

Elliot, W.J.; Robichaud, P.R.; Luce, C.H. 1995. Applying the WEPP erosion model to timber harvest areas. In: Proceedings of the ASCE Watershed Management Conference, August 1995, San Antonio, TX. American Society of Civil Engineers. 83--92.
Keywords: WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Koler, T.E.; Cloyd, J.C.; Philbin, M. 1995. Impacts of Landslides on an Ecosystem. Presented at the 1994 ASAE International Winter Meeting sponsored by ASAE, Atlanta Hilton and Towers, Atlanta, Georgia, December 13-16, 1994.
Keywords: Ecosystems, Sedimentation, landslide

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.B.; Robichaud, P.R. 1994. A tool for estimating disturbed forest site sediment production. In: Baumgartner, D.M.; Lotan, J.E.; Tonn, J.R., eds. Proceedings, Interior Cedar-Hemlock-White Pine Forests: Ecology and Management; 1993 March 2-4; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Cooperative Extension: 233-236.
Keywords: soil erosion, modeling, prediction, WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Koler, T.E.; Hall, D.E. 1994. Slope stability technology transfer in the Forest Service. ASAE Paper No. 94-2107. June 19--22, 1994, Kansas City, MO. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 6 p. [Full text available]
Keywords: slope stability

Elliot, W.J.; Foltz, R.b.; Luce, C.H. 1993. Validation of the WEPP model for forest roads. Presented at the 1993 ASAE International Winter Meeting, December 14-17, 1993, Chicago, IL. ASAE.
Keywords: WEPP, forest roads, erosion prediction

Laflen, J. M., W. J. Elliot, R. Simanton, S. Holzhey and K. D. Kohl. 1991. WEPP Soil Erodibility experiments for rangeland and cropland soils. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 46(1):39-44. 1991.
Keywords: WEPP

Elliot, W.J.; Liebenow, A.M.; Laflen, J.M.; Kohl, K.D. 1989. A Compendium of Soil Erodibility Data from WEPP Cropland Soil Field Erodibility Experiments 1987 and 1988. NSERL Report No. 3, The Ohio State University, and USDA Agricultural Research Service [Full text available]
Keywords: WEPP

115 matching citations found; 66 with full text; 18 through Treesearch