Armillaria Response Tools -- Fuel Synthesis

Armillaria Response Tool
(Under development)

The Root Disease Analyzer -- Armillaria Response Tool (ART) estimates Armillaria root disease risk in Rocky Mountain Montane Conifer Forest biotic communities. It uses habitat type to identify sites with high and low risk that pathogenic Armillaria will be present, and indicates how fire planning (fuels management) may affect subsequent Armillaria disease within high risk stands.

Armillaria Response Tool Lite (Stand-Level Version)

Developed by Geral I. McDonald, Thomas M. Rice, David E. Hall, Jane E. Stewart, Jonalea R. Tonn, Paul J. Zambino, Ned B. Klopfenstein, and Mee-Sook Kim
ART overview (HTM)
[6 MB] Draft ART Documentation (PDF)
[210 KB] ART Fact Sheet (PDF)
[651 KB] McDonald et al. 2000 (PDF)
ART Lite assesses potential risk of Armillaria at the stand level as a result of fuels treatment in a stand.
Please Notice: ART Lite does not assess within-stand variability. By using ART Lite, you assume all responsibility for the accuracy of habitat typing and the assessment of ecological homogeneity of your stand, and for any management decisions made based on the use of the tool.
Inputs: Stand location, habitat type, fuels treatment
Outputs: Armillaria Regimes (High or Low Risk), Effects of fuels treatments on Armillaria risk

Armillaria Response Tool (Landscape-Level Version) -- under development

Habitat type and subseries (groups of habitat types) are the backbone of the assessment of Armillaria risk. The landscape-level version of ART uses GIS to assess variability in climate and terrain within forest stands.  If significant within-stand variability is found, new habitat type and subseries assignments are made, based on a new unbiased plant community classification system. This analysis allows ART to more accurately predict potential risk of Armillaria root rot as a result of fuels treatment in a stand.
Inputs: Stand ID, habitat type, slope, aspect, temperature, precipitation
Output: Armillaria Regimes (High or No-to-Low Risk)

ART Armillaria Response Tool (under development)
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Microbial Processes -- Debbie Page-Dumroese, Project Leader, Moscow, ID
Environmental Consequences -- Elaine Sutherland, Team Leader, Missoula, MT
March 16, 2004