M332Dm South Elkhorn Mountains

Landscape Characteristics:

Mountains and foothills that formed in limestone, dolomite, argillite, andesite, sandstone, and quartzite. Elevations range from 4500 to 7500 feet. Drainage density is low.


Mean annual precipitation ranges from 12 to 22 inches, about 30 percent falling as snow. The soil temperature and moisture regimes are frigid (cryic at higher elevations) and aridic ustic.

Potential Vegetation:

Foothills prairie/Douglas-fir forest

Relationships of Dominant Map Unit Components:

Landform Geology Soil Taxa
Mountainsides/ridges Mixed sedimentary/metamorphic Cryoborolls/Cryochrepts
Foothills/Terraces Mixed sedimentary/metamorphic Calciorthids/Torriorthents/Argiborolls

Disturbance and Land Use:

The primary natural disturbance is fire. Land use is predominantly livestock grazing and timber harvest.