331Da Rocky Mountain Front Foothills

Landscape Characteristics:

Mountain front foothills, moraines, fans and terraces that formed in calcareous shales overlain by till, outwash, alluvium, and terrace deposits. The landscape has been modified by glaciation. Elevations range from 3400 to 6000 feet. Drainage density is low to moderate.


Mean annual precipitation ranges from 12 to 20 inches, about half falling as snow. The soil temperature and moisture regimes are frigid and typic ustic. Chinook winds are frequent.

Potential Vegetation:


Relationships of Dominant Map Unit Components:

Landform Geology Soil Taxa
Foothills/moraines Till Haploborolls/Ustorthents
Fans/terraces Calcareous outwash Argiborolls/Calciborolls

Disturbance and Land Use:

The primary natural disturbance is fire. Land use is predominantly livestock grazing.