M332Cc South Rocky Mountain Front

Landscape Characteristics:

Faulted mountains that formed from limestone, dolomite, and quartzite. Argillite and diorite sills occur. Elevations range from 5400 to 9000 feet. Drainage density is high.


Mean annual precipitation ranges from 22 to 60 inches, about 50 to 70 percent falling as snow. The soil temperature and moisture regimes are cryic and typic ustic.

Potential Vegetation:

Douglas-fir forest/Western spruce-fir forest

Relationships of Dominant Map Unit Components:

Landform Geology Soil Taxa
Mountainsides/moraines/outwash terraces Limestone/dolomite/till Cryochrepts/Cryoboralfs
Cirquelands Limestone/dolomite Cryorthents

Disturbance and Land Use:

The primary natural disturbance is fire. Land use is predominantly recreational activities.